Perspectives on Critical Issues in EducationPerspectives on Critical Issues in Education serves as a source for the exchange of information and ideas for teacher educators, educators in preschool through graduate school institutions, governmental and professional educational organizations, and families.
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Call for SubmissionsCall for Papers for the Spring 2025
Michigan ATE Journal: Perspectives on Critical Issues in Education (Items are published on a rolling or accepted basis) Link for Submissions -- See Below or -- Review Here |
Co-Editors (2023-2026)Dr. Mark Deschaine
Department of Leadership & Counselor Education The University of Mississippi Dr. Ray Francis College of Education and Human Services Department of Teacher Education and Professional Development Central Michigan University Editorial Board
Spring 2025 - Issue 5 (Vol. 22. #1)Perspectives on Critical Issues in Education
(Journal of the Michigan Association of Teacher Educators - Michigan ATE) About the Journal - Perspectives on Critical Issues in Education, the Journal for the Michigan Association of Teacher Educators (Michigan ATE) serves as a peer-reviewed forum for the vibrant exchange of information and ideas as they relate to diverse educational issues across multiple demographics within all educational settings. Publication dates (tentative) Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis with the expectation of 4-6 weeks for review and return of submitted works. Please plan accordingly. Issues will published in May annually. Focus - Articles may focus on key concepts, ideas, professional practices and research that have implications for teacher education and classroom practice locally, regionally, nationally, and/or globally. Topic areas Area 1: K-12 learning, teaching, testing, assessment, instructional strategies, research and related topics. Area 2: Teacher preparation, teacher certification, processes, assessment, accreditation, and research and related topics. Area 3: Graduate student (Post-BA, Post-BS, MA, MS, EdD, PhD) learning, preparation, and research and related topics. Area 4: Administration (school, district, etc.), strategies, processes, research and related topics. Area 5: Technology in educational settings. Area 6: Teacher leadership. Submission guidelines The general expectation is for APA format with tables/charts included in the text body. At this time there is not a minimum or maximum length of text required for publication. (General: double-spaced, 12 point font, APA, Calibri or Arial preferred). General Manuscript Structure 1. Title 2. Author with affiliation, Co-author with affiliation 3. Abstract (Maximum 125 words) 4. Body of Manuscript (includes any tables & figures within text) 5. Acknowledgments 6. References 7. Appendices (if applicable) *Submit as a Word document. Email Manuscript to: Dr. Ray Francis ([email protected]) and include the subject: Michigan ATE Journal Submission. All submitted articles will be peer . reviewed, and any edits must be satisfied prior to publication. |